For 25 years you’ve enjoyed what was and still is one of the most advanced if not the most advanced preamplifier ever created. Indeed some of the features have not been duplicated or matched even to this day. Finally, after all this time the Thaedra creator, James Bongiorno, has designed a totally new set of cards for this fabulous product. These four cards, namely, the head amp moving coil card, the moving magnet card, the line card, and the power supply card have been totally redesigned using circuitry that is so advanced that most engineers would have to jump light years in order to catch up. The performance of these new circuits is so astonishing that a totally new standard has now been set. The distortion performance is between 100 and 1000 times lower than the original Thaedra. The noise levels have also been dramatically lowered.

This is NOT an upgrade of the existing cards but rather, a whole new set of cards with totally new components and the old cards are discarded (no pun intended) wherein the only parts used off of the old cards are the hardware and gold plated connector pins. Years of thought and hard work as well as hundreds of hours of very careful computer simulations have gone into this project in order to insure its viability.

Most of you have probably had a share of “sticker shock” over the last couple of decades concerning the pricing of preamps. In addition, to add insult to injury, virtually none of these “latest, greatest” products have phono sections, or tone controls, or filters, etc. And of course NONE of them have the power that the Thaedra has to drive even low impedance headphones. And for these barebone products you are asked to pay thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars. This is criminal.

As some of you know, a nominal upgrade has been available by the creator for the Thaedra. This upgrade however, does not involve any circuit changes but rather, a very extensive parts upgrading. Not so with the new Thaedra. It is totally new and the circuitry is lightyears beyond the original. The cost of this is $2500.00. While this may seem like a lot to many of you, please remember that this also incorporates ALL of the original upgrading to the rest of the Thaedra as well as the new cards such as all new goldplated jacks on the rear apron. These jacks, which were originally welded on, must be all chisled off and new ones rewelded on. Also, all of the power supply and compensation components on the mother board are replaced. This is truly an extensive rebuild.

In order to invoke this program, I must plan it very carefully. Therefore, this will be done by advanced subscription. In other words, I need a purchase order plus a mere $100.00 deposit. To be sure, it will take many months before this program can begin. This is why I am asking for a small deposit so it won’t break anyone’s pursestrings. There is simply too much involved here for me to do this on a hope and a prayer in one at a time fashion. Any Thaedra owner interested can contact me by phone, fax or by my email to get the details.

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